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Yoga Teacher Training Course

Sunra Yoga 200hrs Alliance Accredited Training Course

June 5, 2017/Workshops & Courses

Yoga Teacher Training Course

Sunra Yoga 200hrs Alliance Accredited Training Course

Become a Yoga Teacher in the traditional Sivananda system with Sunra’s Yoga Alliance accredited 200 hrs training, a three week residential course in the beautiful village of Dahab by the Red Sea.

The course is open to anyone who wishes to study yoga in depth, whether or not you want to become a teacher and regardless of previous experience. The main requirement is an open heart and a willingness to learn this ancient art. You will live, eat, breathe, dream, think YOGA, which is why, by the end of it, you will have had a life changing experience that can only result in you becoming a “better person” with a realistic experience of yoga life in its entirety.

Starting on 23rd November 2017 and running for 21 days between the Coral Coast Hotel in Dahab and a remotes beach camp in Nuweiba, Sunra Yoga’s 200hrs Alliance Accredited training course, has been expertly planned to reap the benefits of the tranquil environment of the Sinai, an idyllic setting for such in depth and focused teacher training.

The course includes extensive study of the asanas (postures), in the Sivananda tradition. Sivananda is a style of Hatha yoga, which is the physical aspect of yoga.
You will have two asana classes a day, one for your personal practice and development and one teaching you how to teach. Each asana of the twelve in the Sivananda system will be broken down, dissected and practiced until it becomes an intrinsic part of your psyche.

You will also have a great deal of teaching practice under supervision and by the end of the course you will have taught two full classes. The emphasis of the course is that you have an in depth knowledge of the asanas and how to teach them safely.

Most people find the course life changing due to the intensity of it. This is not just about learning yoga but deeply learning about yourself. There is great emphasis on how to teach safely and a great amount of repetition so you fully understand the fundamentals of teaching yoga asanas and to give you plenty of opportunity to ask as many questions as you need.

The course will also include personal development/healing workshops, chanting (the yoga of devotion), anatomy and physiology, applied anatomy & physiology which explains how this relates to the practice of asanas and yoga philosophy. You will also be learning and practicing at length meditation and pranayama (breathing exercises).

There will be at least one day of “Mouna”, which means silence. Often people are afraid of silence, in as much as we can’t sit still for very long, most people are unable to be alone in silence. Usually one creates some sort of distraction, for example, radio, computer, TV, reading, phone etc! Mouna is a traditional yoga practice which enables you to face your inner self, again something people mostly never do. To be a good yoga teacher you have to be able to look at yourself and face your demons.

The Teacher Training Course is made up of 3 phases :


The first phase of our Teacher Training Course will be based in Dahab, following a strict daily schedule starting at 6am and ending towards 9pm. We will break twice during the day for a lovely brunch and vegetarian dinner at the Hotel. This week we will focus on the 12 basic asanas of the Sivananda system.

06.30 am – Meditation & Chanting
08.00 am – Teaching class
10.00 am – Brunch
2.00 pm – Lecture
4.00 pm – Pranayama Asanas – personal practice
6.00 pm – Dinner
8.00 pm – Meditation & Chanting


We head 70km north of Dahab to Nuweiba, a beach town with stunning beaches and tranquil ambiance, that is just the perfect setting for going deeper into Sivananda practice. The drive will take app 1hr to arrive at our choice of beach camp, with time to adjust before continuing our teacher training course.
This second phase will focus on delving deeper into your personal practice, tapping into your inner teacher. During this time, we ensure that each asana sequence flows from your mind & body in a natural fully understood manner on a theoretical & physical level.

The focus here is on growth and confidence building in preparation for teaching. There will be ample time for questions and individual instruction from both Barbara &Monica, ultimately working to get you to the point where they are satisfied you are ready to teach


Back in Dahab, with phase 3 our main emphasis is on developing your personalized teaching style with deep exploration of the science of yoga, not just memorizing postures.

Throughout this final week you will be asked to hold your own classes and be given advice & recommendations on any improvements. The training process is designed to gradually work up to this point on a physical and confidence level.

A final exam is scheduled to access your complete understanding of what you have learnt during the course.
A graduation ceremony marks the end of the course and your launch into the Yoga teaching world!

For more details please contact us or follow our facebook event.